Sexual Intimacy
We are rarely ever taught how to do intimacy well.
We are so disconnected from our feminine sexuality that we often don't know how to answer questions like "what do you like?". And, for those with spiritual backgrounds who learned to associate sex with shame and guilt, it can be even harder to undo all of that wiring on your own.
Live Coaching​
Submit any questions you want answered in the live workshop (one hour). If you don't have questions, listen and/or join the discussion!
DIY Learning
Each week, listen to the mini-lessons ("audio bursts") in the audio course. Take a look at the individual & couples activities included!
Workshop Sessions:
Extreme Mindset Makeover
Audio Course:
3 audio bursts + 2 activities
Live Coaching Topic:
Unveil the myths that have kept you stuck in a holding pattern - and find relief in the truth about your intimate life
The Language of Love-Making
Audio Course:
4 audio bursts + 2 activities
Live Coaching Topic:
Out-of-the-box verbal and non-verbal communication tips for expressing yourself sexually.
Turning Down Sex
Audio Course:
3 audio bursts + 2 activities
Live Coaching Topic:
Turning down sex has likely gotten you caught in a cycle of "no." Learn a game-changing way to affirm your partner while listening to your body's needs.
Bonus Integration: Sex & Spirituality
Audio Course:
3 audio bursts + 1 activity
The audio course will cover shame, and how it has separated our spirituality and sexuality. You may ask questions about this lesson during any session.
Add-On: Mama Package
Postpartum Shifts in the Body
Live session only
Learn how your body recovers from birthing a baby and the dance of hormones impacting your emotions, how you feel in your body and your sexuality.
Add-On: Mama Package
Postpartum Self-Concept & Intimacy
Live Session only
Learn how to change the narrative in your relationship around postpartum sex and find freedom in the many shades of normal for healthy sexual expression in the childbearing year.
Meet Your Coaches
Sadé loves, loves, loves breaking down shame around sexuality so that women can experience the freedom to enjoy pleasure with their partner. She coaches coupled women through gaining new language around sexuality, and single women through the process of healthy dating.
She is also a therapist in the state of Georgia, which gives her the opportunity to work with individuals and couples on deeper intimacy-related concerns, such as affair recovery, low desire, and pain during sex.
Sadé is a Jamaican-American, enneagram 3 w/4, ENFP, and bilingual.

Erin is an SMC Full Circle Birth Doula and Founder of Ezer Birth Collective, a faith-based network of doulas in Rhode Island serving families and stewarding resources with a Reparations Funding Model. She's married to Chris and is mom to Parker and Cedar, two rambunctious toddlers.
Erin's vocation is to midwife breakthrough of all sorts, whether that means preparing a couple to give birth or consulting with organizations who are birthing change. She loves creating space for women raised in evangelical purity culture to make sense of their sexuality in adulthood. She's also an Enneagram 3W4, ENFP and might as well be a brand ambassador for Kerrygold Grass Fed Butter (but seriously, have you tried it?!)

Choose Your Workshop Package
Live Dates
Coming February 2021
**Please note: if you would like to Mama Package, we will send you an additional email after purchasing the workshop to complete your order